Sunday, January 1, 2012

A New Year

Happy New Year to everyone.

I've never exactly made a resolution that I've kept. I've tried the pop sacrifice, the no chocolate idea, and many more completely unrealistic resolutions. This year I have chosen an attainable one. Not exactly that I believe it will help me but who knows, it might end up doing so. My resolution is to not speak one curse word the entire year of 2012.

Of course there is room for substitutes such as fudge sickle, shut the front door, and ship. I intend to get creative. I don't normally curse often. It's just that when I do, I feel dirty and embarrassed of myself. Although, I don't feel bad when I curse while driving. I pretty much talk like a sailor, but some people just need to watch the road.

My fear is that college will change this. I get it, I mean I feel terrible if I slip a curse around someone who doesn't curse. I'll simply have to tell them of my resolution and hopefully I am not shunned.

Part of me hopes it is like a spiritual cleanse. With all of the school work and applications I get to be a little spiritually sick. I mean, who doesn't?

And of course if it is in a script, there will be exceptions. I hope your New Year's Eve was great and I also wish you luck in your own resolutions.

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