Friday, December 30, 2011

No ones gonna find you when you're hiding in the dark

Do you ever hear a song that you think was written for you? Yet, you feel narcissistic at the fact you even thought this could happen? Well, I'm here to say that I do it all the time. This blog has gone through numerous names from songs by my favorite band, OK Go.
This specific song, "End Love", I sometimes feel was written for me. Part of me hopes they got my numerous fan videos from seventh grade and decided to write a song about me telling me to go for my dreams.

It's true. No one will find you when you're hiding in the dark. Live life to the fullest and be who you are, always. You have to take the help from those who want to help you, or you will not succeed. The people who know you best can make you the happiest. No one is going to love you if you can't let love show.

1 comment:

  1. I agree wholeheartedly with your last paragraph. And with pretty much every post I've read so far. Love you deary:)

