Sunday, December 18, 2011

Chain Rule

So that history final I was typing about, no idea how that will turn out. No idea at all! Don't even get me started on the amount of review we had and how much was on the actual final.

I'm trying to nurse myself back to health by eating rabbit food, overdosing on vitamins, and drinking green tea like there's no tomorrow. It has started to work, I think. But I've realized that I take being healthy for granted. Just like I take a lot of other things for granted. Like, that I have friends who care about me. I have a mom who cares for me, feeds me, and keeps me alive. I have not only a roof over my head, but a lovely home that my parents worked hard to buy. I owe so much to others and I don't feel like I reciprocate that enough. I want that to change.

Sorry for the tangent, but speaking of it... the derivative of tangent is secant^2.
And you guessed it, AP Calc final Monday. First final on a Monday... grrreat.... We'll see how that one goes.

Maybe you remember my Christmas List post, well my wish came true! My carpool gave me a $25 gift card to Bath and Body Works and I got some amazing body butter. It smells extremely delicious.

I'm so pleased and thankful.
Well, should probably study as that's what most kids do the weekend before finals.

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