Sunday, June 10, 2012

I Should Be Studying...

..but it's eating at my insides that I haven't posted since the variety show.

A quick synopsis of the past couple months: graduated! going to U of Arizona, single again and that's how I want to be, received awards at Prize Day and Honors Day that I can never be thankful enough for (ever), and I'm taking Gen Chem I at UNO starting at 7:30 am every morning (brutal)

I can't even explain how badly I will miss the nights with my girls. Windows down, 2012 tassel blowing in the wind, music blasted, waving and honking to people we don't know, dancing in and outside of the car, needling, and talking about the weirdest things are what I'll miss the most. What keeps me sane about the separation is that I know when we get back for breaks, we can pick up where we left off with no problem. The bond I have with these sisters I call friends can't be broken. Of course we will make new bonds and possibly new sisters, but that never means that our friendship will change. I have a lot of faith in that.

Leaving my mom will also be extremely difficult. But, I've been waiting for this test of independence for 11 years of my life and I'm ready for the challenge. I just hope somewhere in my mom's heart she feels the same way.

So now that the depressing part is out of the way...

Looking forward to trips this summer to Montana, Arizona, and Utah! Once Chem is done, I will be so happy and ready for more adventures. But, right now I'm a little bogged down with cramming a semester course into 5 weeks.

Since I can't right now, enjoy the sun for me!


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