Sunday, June 17, 2012

People Have Been Asking Me...

.. how are you doing it? My healthy living adventure is still going strong (fingers crossed) and family and friends have asked me how I'm doing it. Well besides the running, I've been making smart eating choices too. Now if you know me, you know that I'm one of the laziest people in the world. So hopefully these lazy tips will help others looking for some results.

I control all of my healthy living on my iPhone with apps.

MyFitnessPal: It all started with this app. It's FREE, you can add your friends on it, and really helpful. My mom is using it too so we encourage each other to eat healthy. Just about every food and restaurant dish is on there with all of its nutritional information (the app also helps control sodium, sugar, and cholesterol). The way to really win on this app (and on healthy eating) is to just eat real food. Like grilled chicken, fruit, and vegetables. Also, writing down everything you eat makes you pay attention to what actually goes in your mouth. Which is really helpful for me because I used to eat while studying. Then I realized I'd go through a whole bag of jelly beans in a day. My tip would be to get in the habit of logging what you eat as you go to help plan for your next meal or workout.

Basically no research is needed for this app. Every workout and food is already on there. You just have to search for it.

SparkRecipes: FREE and has a ton of recipes on it! I made the best spinach feta turkey burger on it the other night. Also tells you the calories.

MapMyFITNESS: Again, FREE (got to love a good bargain) and will track your outdoor fitness with GPS telling you time, distance, speed, and calories burned. It can also track your calorie intake too but I like MyFitnessPal better.

Pandora: (FREE) I listen to alternative music like Ok Go and Vampire Weekend, so I wasn't really equipped with any good workout music. Now when I workout I listen to the Pop and Hip Hop Power Workout station on the Pandora app. Normally I wouldn't listen to this music without being with my friends or going cray in the morgue with only a radio. But, being musically inclined, when I'm gasping for air running uphill on my usual path it's nice to have a steady bass to run to the beat of. It distracts me from how much work I'm actually doing.

I'm really not doing that much. Like I said, I'm lazy. I'm just trying to get out once a day and run, eat less sugar/gluten, and feel good! I'm already seeing results that I like. You start to realize you're not missing anything by not eating fries and milkshakes. It's just energy that you taste for a couple of seconds before washing it down with something to drink. To me, it's not worth the fast food anymore.
My biggest tip: Get your Mom and/or Dad into it too! If you say "Hey Mom/Dad, want to look and feel great with me?" There's a really good chance they'll say yes. Also, they like to be competitive with their children. Don't ask me why because I have no clue.

Eat clean, train mean, look lean.

U of A is playing UCLA today at CWS! Wish I could be there but I'm studying in Barnes and Noble all day.
Bear Down Arizona!

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